9 Ways To Lift Your Mood With The Power Of Food

Eat Yourself Happy – With A Few Simple Changes To Your Diet

The latest findings from Psychoneuroimmunology and Nutritional Therapy clearly proves the link between food and mental health. Food is information to the body, so when we mindfully change what we eat, the body and brain are able to heal, reset and rebalance, helping you feel a renewed sense of positivity and optimism.

1. Eat a rainbow of colourful fruits and veggies

…each and every day, along with nuts, seeds, oily fish and high quality meats. Diversity is key to getting all the nutrients you need from your diet, so add a spectrum of colourful vegetables (as well as low sugar fruits) and eat yourself happier!

2. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet

…such as Nordic or Mediterranean inspired eating. Both are proven to help lower anxiety, improve depressive symptoms and boost your mood.

3. Figure out what’s your ‘Kryptonite’

…are you intolerant to anything you are eating, drinking or toxins you are exposed to on a regular basis, such as fragrances, mold or cleaning products?

Allergies and intolerances can impact your anxiety levels, your sleep, mood and emotional health. The Back to Happy Program explores all of the potentially weakening substances and then shows you how to fortify your body, strengthen your brain health to regulate your mood and wellbeing.

4. Switch to the right kinds of fats

…that feed and nourish your brain. Add in fats such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and avocado. Do your best to exclude all trans fats from your diet and any vegetable oils that have been repeatedly reheated, as these become highly toxic to our entire biochemistry and disrupt our mitochondrial health.

5. Rejuvenate the blood vessels to your brainstem with nitrate

…rich veggies. Obviously we are not talking about the type of added nitrates you might find in processed meats, but the naturally occurring compounds found in beetroot and leafy green vegetables. Studies show that these naturally occurring nitrates help reduce the risk of a great number of health issues and chronic conditions.

6. Increase Omega 3 fats

…by eating oily fish 2-3 times a week. Studies show that people who regularly consume omega 3 fatty acids are far less likely to have anxiety and depression. It has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and brain, so by adding wild caught salmon or herring as well as mackerel or sardines to your diet, you can really help to calm silent brain inflammation, reduce anxiety and even improve eye health to boot!

7. Enhance your mood with Psychobiotics.

These are prebiotic and probiotic rich foods that nourish the helpful bacteria in your gut, whilst topping up your good mood microbes. Foods that are high in fibre, such as leeks, broccoli and seeds as well as fermented foods such as Kefir, Sauerkraut, live yoghurts or Beet Kvass. Think of it as literally using good bugs in place of drugs.

8. Balance your blood sugar

…by making a sincere attempt to give up sugar. Try your best to wean yourself off sugary drinks and sodas, as they have been linked to depression and often contain aspartame which can trigger anxiety in some people.

9. Stay well hydrated

…drink around 2 litres of water fresh, filtered water whenever possible (and even more if you are very physically active). Try to limit alcohol to a small glass of wine per day or give it a miss completely if you feel you can.

Remember that dietary changes may take a little time to see the full benefits and it’s always better to take an integrative approach and make changes to lifestyle, your gut microbiota and mindset as well.

That’s why we created the Back to Happy Program – an easy step by step neuro-retraining program, that combines the latest evidence backed, game changing , real science.

Giving you a clear path forward to emotional regulation and resilience to life’s stressors so that you have the tools to live a happier and more optimistic life.